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Status of Issues in Governance 2010-2011

Status of Issues in Governance 2010-2011



Status* and Link to Policy Text


Step 2

Student Feedback on Teaching


Step 2

Review of class schedule grid

Continued  from 2007-8


Step 3

Five-Year review of tenured faculty


Recommended to Provost

Academic Load (student overload)


Step 3

Types of Majors



Graduate certificate program-concept



Graduate Certificate in Women and Gender Studies




Honor Code

Proposal by SGA

SGA Resolution


Removed from governance by request of SGA

Faculty Office Hours



Mid-Semester Grades/Evaluations



Handling applications submitted by SOSA and Sabbatical Committee members


Step 2

 Graduate Comprehensive Exams


Step 1

Disciplinary Standards



Facilities Use Policy

Draft policy (original) from General Counsel

Draft policy (revised) from General Counsel


Step 3

Principles for prioritizing program closure



Program Closures

a. Proposed program closures-School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science

b. Proposed program closure-School of Education


For programs in the School of Nursing, Health, and Exercise Science

For MEd in Educational Technology

Approved by Board of  Trustees

Conversion of engineering specialty to BS in biomedical engineering


Approved including by State of New Jersey

Code of Student Conduct

Draft proposal from Vice President for Student Life


Approved by BOT

Promotion Eligibility



Policy Framework


Step 1

Computer Access Agreement

Proposal from Information Technology



Teacher-Scholar-definition of


Step 2

Academic Integrity

Ad hoc committee report


Step 1

Institutional Planning-principles and processes


incorporated into 2011 Governance Document

Recording Lectures CFA Step 1
Repeating Courses CAP Step 1
Middle States Monitoring ReportGitenstein memo CPP Completed
Facilities Planning Heuring memo CPP Approved
Modified Faculty Duties Norvell memo CFA Step 1
Academic Dismissal Policy Blake Memo CAP Step 1
Tie Breaking on Sabbatical Decisions Bresnahan memo CFA Approved
Course Withdrawal Policy Rifkin Letter CAP Step 1
Faculty Behavior CFA Step 1
Russian Studies Interdisciplinary Minor CAP Step 1
Assessment of Transformation ad hoc committee Step 1
International Business CAP Step 2
Attendance/Absence Policy CAP Step 1
Creation of SOSA Document CFA Step 2
Review cycles for Major College Policies CPP Step 1
Graduate Student Conduct GPC Step 1
Graduate Polices Memo from GPC GPC/CAP Step 1
Off-Campus, Faculty-Led Programs CAP Step 1


End of year committee reports:

CAP    CFA    CPP     CSCC

Last Updated: September, 2011

Step #1 — Identifying and reporting the problem:  When a Standing Committee receives an issue from the Steering Committee, the first responsibility is to clearly articulate and report the problem to the campus community through regular updates to the campus community and the Governance Web Page ( ).  The problem may have been set out clearly in the charge received from the Steering Committee, or it may be necessary for the Standing Committee to frame a problem statement.  The problem statement should indicate the difficulties or uncertainties that need to be addressed through new or revised policy, procedure, or program.  The problem statement should be broadly stated and should include a context such as existing policy or practice.  Problem statements may include solution parameters but should not suggest any actual solutions.  Clearly stated problems will lead to better recommendations.

Step #2 — Preparing a preliminary recommendation:  Once the campus community has received the problem statement, committees can begin to collect data needed to make a recommendation.  Committees typically receive input through committee membership, formal testimony, and open comment from affected individuals and all stakeholder groups.  Committees must be proactive in inviting stakeholder groups (including Student Government Association, Staff Senate and Faculty Senate) to provide formal testimony prior to developing a preliminary recommendation.  When, in the best judgment of the committee, adequate clarity of the principles contributing to the problem are known, a preliminary recommendation should be drafted and disseminated to the campus community through regular updates and the Governance Web Page.

Step #3 — Making a Final Recommendation:  Committees must use sound judgment to give the campus adequate time to review the preliminary recommendation before making their final recommendation.  Again, committees are expected to be proactive in receiving feedback on the preliminary recommendation.  If a full calendar year has passed since the formal announcement of the preliminary recommendation, the committee must resubmit a preliminary recommendation to the campus community.  When, in the best judgment of the committee, the campus community has responded to the proposed resolution of the issue, the committee shall send their final recommendation (complete documentation) to the Steering Committee.


The presenting of testimony is central to the concept of shared governance.  All stakeholder groups will have an opportunity to provide input into governance issues through direct membership as well as invited testimony.  Individuals appointed or elected to the governance system are expected to take a broad institutional perspective relative to issues being considered.  In contrast, invited testimony will reflect the stakeholder perspective on the issue being considered.  Committees are expected to be proactive in inviting stakeholder groups to provide testimony at both step # 2 and #3 of the process.  Committees need to identify stakeholder groups that are interested in each particular issue and invite their testimony at scheduled Committee meetings or hearings.  Committees should report in their minutes which groups were targeted as stakeholders, how testimony was invited, the form of the testimony (written, oral, etc.), and the substantive content of the testimony.
