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Leaves and Absences

Work-Related Absences

Faculty members may be excused from classes, office hours, or other scheduled duties for approved work-related activities such as the presentation of papers at conferences, attendance at the meetings of learned societies, participation in workshops, and faculty recruiting. These absences must be approved in advance by the department Chair and Dean and recorded on an Absence Approval and Travel Request Form and marked with an “A” on the monthly time report.

Religious Holidays

Faculty members missing classes for religious obligation days are to follow the procedures established for requesting and recording work-related absences. An Absence Approval and Travel Request Form is to be used for this purpose and must be signed by department Chairperson and the appropriate academic administrator. Approval will be given for alternate educational experiences which are consistent with those used for work-related leave. The monthly time report should be marked “A” for those days so authorized.

Faculty members are encouraged to provide makeup opportunities for students whose observance of religious holidays prevents them from attending class.

Also see Section XXVI of the 2015-2019 Agreement between the State and the AFT regarding Leaves of Absence.
